Peanut butter and moms lap top
Theres nothing more exciting then to be scrubbing the bathroom and come back through to see your toddler setting on your lap top with a jumbo jar of Jiff peanut butter setting playing Nick Jr. and using her hands to eat the peanut butter. Besides my key pad being covered in peanut butter so is my screen since she has to point at Dora every time she sees Dora on the screen.My child just cant seem to figure out why she has to quit her game and put the peanut butter up even with me explaining ten times ..She sees nothing wrong with what she has done .
Sick kid still wants to go to school !
My oldest dd had a fever Sunday night but woke Monday morning feeling better and her fever appeared to be gone .I tried to get her to stay home anyway but she refused and cried until I let her go to school. (It would be nice if all my children cried to go to school.) she came home Monday with a fever and a cough so I was up all night with her. Now thinking she would love to stay home(I should have known better) the minute I told her she would not be going to school she freaked out and started screaming to the top of her lungs, begging her to stop screaming before she puked or had a asthma attack I started asking if she wanted ice cream , candy anything ..just to get her to stop. Nothing seemed to work then a light bulb went off in my over loaded brain and I asked is she would like to play school at home today ! She agreed so she went through all the steps of what takes place on the classroom on Tuesdays and so I got to play teacher today. She made sure I was right on task to any time I didn't do it exactly like her teacher she let me know and I had to go back over the steps !
Halloween (part 3)
Yeah I know Halloween is long gone but I did say I was going to finish my story.
I should have known something was up when one of my teens decided he wanted to stay home.Now my exact words before I left was .. NO FRIENDS, NO PHONE, NO LEAVING THE HOUSE and KEEP THE DOORS LOCKED! I think I made it plain enough. When I got home after taking the little ones tricker treating I walked into my house and didn't have to use the key, as I walked in paper flew out into my yard.My husband fetched the paper (such a good guy) and it read :
Staying the night at Scotts here's the number to call.
OK well he left a number that was nice but do you see anything wrong with this picture?
1 Door unlocked .
2Left without my knowledge.
3He answered the phone or door to have got the idea to leave.
4He went with a friend
5 He left the house.
Now when I finally caught up to him , he said his friend wanted him to go to the haunted house and sleep over and he thought he locked the door and he FORGOT I told him to stay home.
Now I made it very clear ..and HE FORGOT!
Does he think I was born yesterday?
Now on to my 3rd child..
He went with a friend , yeah with my knowledge but I did tell him hes only to go to people we know ,or the other kids parents know and fire stations or restaurants.
He comes home and tells me him and his friend walked for 2 miles and went to every house and they were alone.
I do know next year all my children will be going with me. I gave them a inch they took three hundred and sixty two miles.
Now no thats not all ...
Its now what NOv 3rd so halloween was 4 days ago I thought all the candy was gone or hid well. I was cleaning out my shoe closet today and I found a plastic grocery sack full of halloween candy !
None of the children claimed it , so I left it on the kitchen counter. My 3rd child came by and snatched it while I wasen't looking. You know he has not the slightest clue as to where the candy went he didn't take it off the counter.
yep ..He didnt do it...
I should have known something was up when one of my teens decided he wanted to stay home.Now my exact words before I left was .. NO FRIENDS, NO PHONE, NO LEAVING THE HOUSE and KEEP THE DOORS LOCKED! I think I made it plain enough. When I got home after taking the little ones tricker treating I walked into my house and didn't have to use the key, as I walked in paper flew out into my yard.My husband fetched the paper (such a good guy) and it read :
Staying the night at Scotts here's the number to call.
OK well he left a number that was nice but do you see anything wrong with this picture?
1 Door unlocked .
2Left without my knowledge.
3He answered the phone or door to have got the idea to leave.
4He went with a friend
5 He left the house.
Now when I finally caught up to him , he said his friend wanted him to go to the haunted house and sleep over and he thought he locked the door and he FORGOT I told him to stay home.
Now I made it very clear ..and HE FORGOT!
Does he think I was born yesterday?
Now on to my 3rd child..
He went with a friend , yeah with my knowledge but I did tell him hes only to go to people we know ,or the other kids parents know and fire stations or restaurants.
He comes home and tells me him and his friend walked for 2 miles and went to every house and they were alone.
I do know next year all my children will be going with me. I gave them a inch they took three hundred and sixty two miles.
Now no thats not all ...
Its now what NOv 3rd so halloween was 4 days ago I thought all the candy was gone or hid well. I was cleaning out my shoe closet today and I found a plastic grocery sack full of halloween candy !
None of the children claimed it , so I left it on the kitchen counter. My 3rd child came by and snatched it while I wasen't looking. You know he has not the slightest clue as to where the candy went he didn't take it off the counter.
yep ..He didnt do it...
Halloween (Part2)
My youngest child was so cute tonight. Every house we went to she gave her older sister the bag and told her to get the candy for her . After hitting a few houses both the girls were wore out and wanted to come home !
Hoping home would be peaceful . The minute I walked in the door , not thinking to turn off the porch light. I got swamped with little treaters looking for treats within a half a hour I was out of candy. I don't think the kids wanted to share their three grocery bags full so I shut off my porch light.
Apparently while I was giving out candy I had to little culprits decide to take their candy dump it in the living room floor and open a snickers bar and a few packs of skittles and walk on them. As soon as I got that cleaned up , and yes I made them help. My youngest fell asleep on the couch and when I picked her up she has gum stuck to the back of her hair and a sucker stuck to the back of her leg ..which of course left a gummy mess on my couch .I really tried to clean her up while she was sleeping (I know not a smart move) but instead I ticked her off which made her scream and then it started a chain reaction ,I guess my boys had went to sleep at some point between me handing out candy and cleaning sucker goo off the couch. and they started complaining about being woke up . I told them to just plug thier ears with gummy bears and go back to sleep .
Oh well thats not the whole story.. I also have three boys but that is going to have to wait tell later because this momma is up way past her bed time and now is going to try to find a candy free place to lay and get some sleep !
Hoping home would be peaceful . The minute I walked in the door , not thinking to turn off the porch light. I got swamped with little treaters looking for treats within a half a hour I was out of candy. I don't think the kids wanted to share their three grocery bags full so I shut off my porch light.
Apparently while I was giving out candy I had to little culprits decide to take their candy dump it in the living room floor and open a snickers bar and a few packs of skittles and walk on them. As soon as I got that cleaned up , and yes I made them help. My youngest fell asleep on the couch and when I picked her up she has gum stuck to the back of her hair and a sucker stuck to the back of her leg ..which of course left a gummy mess on my couch .I really tried to clean her up while she was sleeping (I know not a smart move) but instead I ticked her off which made her scream and then it started a chain reaction ,I guess my boys had went to sleep at some point between me handing out candy and cleaning sucker goo off the couch. and they started complaining about being woke up . I told them to just plug thier ears with gummy bears and go back to sleep .
Oh well thats not the whole story.. I also have three boys but that is going to have to wait tell later because this momma is up way past her bed time and now is going to try to find a candy free place to lay and get some sleep !
Halloween part 1
Im prepared. I have my trusty bottle of 409 cleaner in one hand and my car keys in the other ..we will see how this night goes. I have all intentions of waking tommrow with well rested children and not be sticking to the floors!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween !
Have a safe and Happy Halloween !
Socks in my purse
I hunt frantically for my daughters socks.I swear I had them in my hand just
minutes ago. Giving up I threw boots on her feet and headed to the mall. Rushing through the store with a child screaming wanting the Halloween balloons hanging at every corner. I make it to the register.When it came time to pay I opened up my purse and to my surprise there were the missing socks. Trying to rummage through it without having to pull them out. I couldn't see my wallet because of the socks , trying to be discreet I made a attempt to slide them in my jacket pocket. My oldest daughter yelled.
"Mom what are you sticking in your pocket?"
Not wanting to tell her and knowing lying is not the thing to do. I looked at her and whispered its Sissy's socks.
Laughing hysterically she just had to yell to the top of her lungs. "Mom your the silliest person I know the only one on earth who would carry Sissy's socks in her purse."
With everyone grinning and staring I wanted to make a point so I calmly raised my voice enough that everyone was able to hear.
"I think sissy stuck her socks in my purse before we left the house."
My daughter stood and stared as if I had told a white lie she then just had to speak again.
"Mom you mean to tell me sissy has no socks on and its cold outside my teacher says we have to wear socks."
Feeling like a fool . I had to use some fancy thinking to get out of this one.
"Honey,its ok she is not walking around shes only without socks for a few minutes."
My daughter not at all satisfied with the answer had to continue to speak.
"Mom my teacher says you can get owies on your feet without socks now you have to go buy band aids for sissy."
Wanting to crawl in a hole. I just was wanted to run out of the store my youngest daughter (the one without socks.) starts crying for no reason.
"Mommy my footsies are cold sissy teacher says I need socks."
(55 degrees and snow boots her feet was not cold)
Can I cry now?
minutes ago. Giving up I threw boots on her feet and headed to the mall. Rushing through the store with a child screaming wanting the Halloween balloons hanging at every corner. I make it to the register.When it came time to pay I opened up my purse and to my surprise there were the missing socks. Trying to rummage through it without having to pull them out. I couldn't see my wallet because of the socks , trying to be discreet I made a attempt to slide them in my jacket pocket. My oldest daughter yelled.
"Mom what are you sticking in your pocket?"
Not wanting to tell her and knowing lying is not the thing to do. I looked at her and whispered its Sissy's socks.
Laughing hysterically she just had to yell to the top of her lungs. "Mom your the silliest person I know the only one on earth who would carry Sissy's socks in her purse."
With everyone grinning and staring I wanted to make a point so I calmly raised my voice enough that everyone was able to hear.
"I think sissy stuck her socks in my purse before we left the house."
My daughter stood and stared as if I had told a white lie she then just had to speak again.
"Mom you mean to tell me sissy has no socks on and its cold outside my teacher says we have to wear socks."
Feeling like a fool . I had to use some fancy thinking to get out of this one.
"Honey,its ok she is not walking around shes only without socks for a few minutes."
My daughter not at all satisfied with the answer had to continue to speak.
"Mom my teacher says you can get owies on your feet without socks now you have to go buy band aids for sissy."
Wanting to crawl in a hole. I just was wanted to run out of the store my youngest daughter (the one without socks.) starts crying for no reason.
"Mommy my footsies are cold sissy teacher says I need socks."
(55 degrees and snow boots her feet was not cold)
Can I cry now?
And I thought Burgundy was a color
With my daughter chanting Burgundy to the top of her lungs. Looking at her I let her know her sister is wearing Burgundy and its a nice color but she doesn't have to yell about it .
Looking at me like I had something stuck up my nose she placed her hands on her hips threw her head back and let me know she was not talking about a shirt she was talking about her friend Burgundy.
Getting close to her I let her know it was fine for the color Burgundy to be her friend but it may be a boring one .(I had rethink what I said under my breath I thought actually together her and Burgundy could have to much fun ,and really was praying that was not the reason she was calling the color Burgundy her friend.)
She became snippy and ran off pouting and wanted to know why I thought Burgundy would be a boring friend.
Really thinking I stuck my foot in my mouth this time .I put my arms around her hugging her tight I kissed her forhead and apologized and gently told her it was fine to like colors but she didn't need it to be her best friend she has plenty of other best friends ,and if she would like she could have a friend sleep over this weekend .
Taking my arms from around her hoping she would change her friend status and start dreaming about the weekend, she went to her tote bag, reaching in it she pulled out a picture ,handing it to me I looked at the little girl wondering who she was .I looked on the back and to my surprise it had a name scribbled in permanent black marker .It read Burgendy.
Smiling I handed her back the picture,she let me know this is the girl she wants to stay over this weekend its her best friend Burgendy.
Looking at me like I had something stuck up my nose she placed her hands on her hips threw her head back and let me know she was not talking about a shirt she was talking about her friend Burgundy.
Getting close to her I let her know it was fine for the color Burgundy to be her friend but it may be a boring one .(I had rethink what I said under my breath I thought actually together her and Burgundy could have to much fun ,and really was praying that was not the reason she was calling the color Burgundy her friend.)
She became snippy and ran off pouting and wanted to know why I thought Burgundy would be a boring friend.
Really thinking I stuck my foot in my mouth this time .I put my arms around her hugging her tight I kissed her forhead and apologized and gently told her it was fine to like colors but she didn't need it to be her best friend she has plenty of other best friends ,and if she would like she could have a friend sleep over this weekend .
Taking my arms from around her hoping she would change her friend status and start dreaming about the weekend, she went to her tote bag, reaching in it she pulled out a picture ,handing it to me I looked at the little girl wondering who she was .I looked on the back and to my surprise it had a name scribbled in permanent black marker .It read Burgendy.
Smiling I handed her back the picture,she let me know this is the girl she wants to stay over this weekend its her best friend Burgendy.
crunchy seat
Walking into the kitchen I find the package of oreo cookies open and all the cookies gone. Puzzled ,I stood there and stared at the package as if cookies would magicly reappear. I picked it up and headed to the trash pail,half way there I felt a squish and heard a crunch , rolling my eyes I slowly pick up my foot and theres a big fat double layer oreo crushed all over my freshly mopped floor.As im bent over cleaning it up I hear the girls fighting in the living room. Walking in there I find they are both trying to decide who gets the last oreo cookie. Now knowing who stole atleast part of the pack I took the cookie and split it in half knowing it was useless to think about asking questions because im sure the cookie monster did this one.Turning to set down in my big overstuffed chair I felt something wet beneath me , jumping up there laid a wet towl .Picking the towl up I found atleast half the package of cookies opened and the yummy middles of each cookie were gone
Yes I will be needing to call in the cleaners for this one ..to bad the cleaner has to be mom with her bucket of soap water and my trusty ol' sponge.
Yes I will be needing to call in the cleaners for this one ..to bad the cleaner has to be mom with her bucket of soap water and my trusty ol' sponge.
Who took the batteries (part 2)
As the children piled off the bus in a single line and all headed toward the front door , you can bet I was standing there watching. I had searched for my batteries all day and really wanted to know where they went !
My oldest insisted it wasn't him so don't even look his direction . Turning to ask my 3rd child he insisted it was his sister.Rolling my eyes I knew that couldn't be possible .(Really, could you imagine a toddler getting up and climbing a chair to take a battery then hanging the clock back on the wall? Well , I guess it could happen but... )my 4th child blamed my 3rd child and then my 2nd child ..ummm is missing? Now I swear he was home just a few minutes ago but then again I guess I could have missed him since I have so many .(I am bad about losing a few now and then.)
Walking to his room , I found him with his cd player and ear phones stuck in his ear.
He was so gone into his tunes he didn't realize I walked in ! He jumped up , startled his cd player went flying through the air .Trying to catch it the cd player hit the floor and the batteries came rolling out of the back .
Picking up the batteries , I looked at him he knew he was in trouble ..He actually had the nerve to tell me he found the batteries at school .. even before I had a chance to ask if he took them !
My oldest insisted it wasn't him so don't even look his direction . Turning to ask my 3rd child he insisted it was his sister.Rolling my eyes I knew that couldn't be possible .(Really, could you imagine a toddler getting up and climbing a chair to take a battery then hanging the clock back on the wall? Well , I guess it could happen but... )my 4th child blamed my 3rd child and then my 2nd child ..ummm is missing? Now I swear he was home just a few minutes ago but then again I guess I could have missed him since I have so many .(I am bad about losing a few now and then.)
Walking to his room , I found him with his cd player and ear phones stuck in his ear.
He was so gone into his tunes he didn't realize I walked in ! He jumped up , startled his cd player went flying through the air .Trying to catch it the cd player hit the floor and the batteries came rolling out of the back .
Picking up the batteries , I looked at him he knew he was in trouble ..He actually had the nerve to tell me he found the batteries at school .. even before I had a chance to ask if he took them !
Who took the batteries?
Waking to the sound of the alarm in the next room , I set up looking up at the clock that hung on the wall. Rubbing my eyes I found that it was 2:15 am. Laying back down I didnt hear the alarm anymore I went back to sleep .
Waking to my son screaming get up , theres only ten minutes before the bus comes .I set up and look at the clock again it says 2:15 am !
Jumping up thinking my son must be sleep walking I noticed light shining through the curtains.
Running to my computer I find that sure enough its 7:00 am.
After they all left for school , I noticed the batteries were gone out of my clock.
I really wonder who took the batteries and why?
Hmmm... In a few hours I hope to find out. For now I will go on a hunt down and look through some of their electronics and while im at it I need to find my hair brush that I probally will be questioning someone over to !
Waking to my son screaming get up , theres only ten minutes before the bus comes .I set up and look at the clock again it says 2:15 am !
Jumping up thinking my son must be sleep walking I noticed light shining through the curtains.
Running to my computer I find that sure enough its 7:00 am.
After they all left for school , I noticed the batteries were gone out of my clock.
I really wonder who took the batteries and why?
Hmmm... In a few hours I hope to find out. For now I will go on a hunt down and look through some of their electronics and while im at it I need to find my hair brush that I probally will be questioning someone over to !
ekk a virus
1 am I set with a toddler on my lap ,ill she doesn't want mommy to let go of her.
Wishing I would have bought a energy drink while I was at the store earlier ..im kicking myself because I didn't.
I know the next atleast twenty-four hours holds me setting up holding my little one , prying my eyelids open with toothpicks and praying for the sickness to stop.
Im sure as soon as she gets over it , my other four will take it and probally me to.
So it looks like the next few days momma will not be sleeping and will doing more laundry a day then what I can count on two hands !
Wishing I would have bought a energy drink while I was at the store earlier ..im kicking myself because I didn't.
I know the next atleast twenty-four hours holds me setting up holding my little one , prying my eyelids open with toothpicks and praying for the sickness to stop.
Im sure as soon as she gets over it , my other four will take it and probally me to.
So it looks like the next few days momma will not be sleeping and will doing more laundry a day then what I can count on two hands !
Cartoons and Bananas
Talking on the phone , I hear screaming .
Walking into the living area I find my daughter laying on her back kicking and screaming to the top of her lungs.
"Whats wrong sugar?"
"Want Banana mommy!"
"Why sugar ?"
"I want banana now mommy!"
Looking up at the TV I see a charecter on Dora munching down on a banana.
Dreading having to tell her I dont have a Banana, I hesitate but know I have to tell her.
"Honey,Mommy doesnt have Bananas!"
'Why mommy?"
"Your brother ate them ."
Getting up she doesnt like my answer , pointing at the TV she screams again," Dora has a Banana and I dont and I want one now !"
Thirty-five minutes and ten seconds later shes still screaming ,"I want banana I want banana I want banana I want banana!"
Im happy she wants the fruit but I don't have it right now and theres not much I can do about it ..I would love to say if you dont stop screaming you will never get a banana again but I cant forbid her fruit !
Im going to call Dora and let her know ,next time they show a episode with food call me so I can run out and buy it before the episode plays.
Anyone have a cure for a migrane ?
Walking into the living area I find my daughter laying on her back kicking and screaming to the top of her lungs.
"Whats wrong sugar?"
"Want Banana mommy!"
"Why sugar ?"
"I want banana now mommy!"
Looking up at the TV I see a charecter on Dora munching down on a banana.
Dreading having to tell her I dont have a Banana, I hesitate but know I have to tell her.
"Honey,Mommy doesnt have Bananas!"
'Why mommy?"
"Your brother ate them ."
Getting up she doesnt like my answer , pointing at the TV she screams again," Dora has a Banana and I dont and I want one now !"
Thirty-five minutes and ten seconds later shes still screaming ,"I want banana I want banana I want banana I want banana!"
Im happy she wants the fruit but I don't have it right now and theres not much I can do about it ..I would love to say if you dont stop screaming you will never get a banana again but I cant forbid her fruit !
Im going to call Dora and let her know ,next time they show a episode with food call me so I can run out and buy it before the episode plays.
Anyone have a cure for a migrane ?
On top of the the couch all covered with cheese she lost ...
While eating lunch my daughter , decides to make the great escape to the couch with plate and lots of yummy spegatti !
(Yes spegatti all covered with half the bottle of moms sprinkle cheese and topped with lots and lots of meat balls. )
Eating , she announced she lost her meat balls. I could clearly see she lost more then her meat balls ,she also lost part of her plate of spegatti and most of the sprinkle cheese.
With her hands stuck in the cushion of the couch she looked at me .
Sobbing , she wanted mommy to help her find her meatballs.
mounds of spegatti hitting the floor , with snow cheese falling all over the carpet , she went to take the cushions off the couch.
Jumping up and down she yells ,I found them .
Out came .1 ...2....3....4...5.. meatballs not counting the ones that were glued to the back of my couch cushions .
A spatula and bottle of stain guard later and missing my favorite thirty minute show I had it cleaned up.
(Yes spegatti all covered with half the bottle of moms sprinkle cheese and topped with lots and lots of meat balls. )
Eating , she announced she lost her meat balls. I could clearly see she lost more then her meat balls ,she also lost part of her plate of spegatti and most of the sprinkle cheese.
With her hands stuck in the cushion of the couch she looked at me .
Sobbing , she wanted mommy to help her find her meatballs.
mounds of spegatti hitting the floor , with snow cheese falling all over the carpet , she went to take the cushions off the couch.
Jumping up and down she yells ,I found them .
Out came .1 ...2....3....4...5.. meatballs not counting the ones that were glued to the back of my couch cushions .
A spatula and bottle of stain guard later and missing my favorite thirty minute show I had it cleaned up.
Still trying to figure out how I did it !
My son asks for the salt shaker, I point toward the kitchen counter.
With my son running back to the living room where I was seated he was screaming ,"Mom how do you get salt off my food?"
Alittle suprised ,I looked at his plate, it looked as if someone had took a salt rock and covered his food.
Asking him,"Why did you take the lid off the salt shaker?"
Looking confused wondering why I was asking , He looked at me saying he didnt use the salt shaker !
Now how does salt get on your food if you didnt use the salt shaker?
He used the entire container of salt , He said he wasent sure how much to put on it so he just poured and poured until no more would come out !
With my mouth open and chin dragging the floor , He looked up at me like he still hadn't did anything wrong .
Still wanting to know how to get the salt off his food so he could eat it ,he went to the kitchen turned his plate on the side and watched the salt pour off it , then his mashed potatos slid off right into the foor.
'Crying' he went to his room .."Mom ruined my mashed potatos !"
Now how did I do it?
With my son running back to the living room where I was seated he was screaming ,"Mom how do you get salt off my food?"
Alittle suprised ,I looked at his plate, it looked as if someone had took a salt rock and covered his food.
Asking him,"Why did you take the lid off the salt shaker?"
Looking confused wondering why I was asking , He looked at me saying he didnt use the salt shaker !
Now how does salt get on your food if you didnt use the salt shaker?
He used the entire container of salt , He said he wasent sure how much to put on it so he just poured and poured until no more would come out !
With my mouth open and chin dragging the floor , He looked up at me like he still hadn't did anything wrong .
Still wanting to know how to get the salt off his food so he could eat it ,he went to the kitchen turned his plate on the side and watched the salt pour off it , then his mashed potatos slid off right into the foor.
'Crying' he went to his room .."Mom ruined my mashed potatos !"
Now how did I do it?
The hunt down of things that disappear !
Oh where oh where did the little spoons go? They were found by me and the dog !
I let the dog lose this week , and he dug up not one , or two but four spoons !
Since fall is around the corner , I decided to start pulling out appliances , now besides all the dirt, clothing and five socks, I found ... drum roll .. two spoons !
So all together today alone six spoons have been found .
Now the kids dont have to fight over spoons at breakfast ,they can each have their very own spoon!
with a added bonus .. five socks !
Its my lucky day , I may just have to run out and buy myself a lottery ticket !
I let the dog lose this week , and he dug up not one , or two but four spoons !
Since fall is around the corner , I decided to start pulling out appliances , now besides all the dirt, clothing and five socks, I found ... drum roll .. two spoons !
So all together today alone six spoons have been found .
Now the kids dont have to fight over spoons at breakfast ,they can each have their very own spoon!
with a added bonus .. five socks !
Its my lucky day , I may just have to run out and buy myself a lottery ticket !
The race
Its real nice when your looking forward to a quiet shopping trip and you spend the whole time in the store yelling 'STOP, STOP' as your children are running ahead of you like jack rabbits to see who can get the cheese first ! Beware if they both get it at the same time the fights on right there in the isle.
You know the washable paint that they let you try out in the store that they swear works or you get your money back?
My 3 yo decided it would be a blast to write on one wall with crayons 'again' ,I scrubbed tell my arm felt like it was falling off and all it did was take the paint off and left the her master piece. Yes, as pretty as her picture is I have to find away to fix this .Maybe I will cover it with toothpaste then try to paint over it? Or scrub my wall until the texture is gone then try to paint?
My 3 yo decided it would be a blast to write on one wall with crayons 'again' ,I scrubbed tell my arm felt like it was falling off and all it did was take the paint off and left the her master piece. Yes, as pretty as her picture is I have to find away to fix this .Maybe I will cover it with toothpaste then try to paint over it? Or scrub my wall until the texture is gone then try to paint?
I really need a paper bag ..
Yeah from hyperventilation ,and that's me today. I took my 3 yo to the ENT and walked in there being the big strong mommy smiling and acting as if its all ok ,my only thoughts were wheres the nearest exit I'm running ! I knew they were going to say she needs her tonsils and anoids removed. Its not only that she also has to have dental work so she is going to have two surgeries done in the next few months.
You know how it is , we have to be the strong ones and sometimes that's hard to do , this is one of those times I have to pretend im super women and deep down im wanting to crawl under the covers and pretend this is not happening .
Since I cant change it , I wonder how much I can purchase between now and October 8th which is her first surgery..
I dont know about anyone else but my way of getting through this is buying her a lot of toys and stacking my freezers full of popcicles and icecream ..its the only way this moms going to get through this without passing out .
You know how it is , we have to be the strong ones and sometimes that's hard to do , this is one of those times I have to pretend im super women and deep down im wanting to crawl under the covers and pretend this is not happening .
Since I cant change it , I wonder how much I can purchase between now and October 8th which is her first surgery..
I dont know about anyone else but my way of getting through this is buying her a lot of toys and stacking my freezers full of popcicles and icecream ..its the only way this moms going to get through this without passing out .
The fort
I should have known there was a reason the kids wanted to clean off the patio....
They built ,with their own blankets and pillows , toys then with the help of moms kitchen chairs and a couple pots for tables ...they have their very own FORT !
Now who do you think will get to clean this up?
Im sure they will all say I didnt do it in 2 hours.
They built ,with their own blankets and pillows , toys then with the help of moms kitchen chairs and a couple pots for tables ...they have their very own FORT !
Now who do you think will get to clean this up?
Im sure they will all say I didnt do it in 2 hours.

Heres that pic of cocoa in my purse
Oh NO I shouldnt have hid the cocoa....
I did it , its actually my fault.. I cant blame it on anyone but me.I had one package left of my favorite cocoa and I knew ,it would be gone or strung all over my house if I didnt hide it. I figured the best place would be my purse ... I forgot about it , went to the store and when I pulled out money there was some powder substance all over my purse ! For the life of me I couldnt figure it out .. then I rembered ..my tot was playing mom a few hours before and had to take my purse and drug it to ten buck two and back .
Yeah , you see where im going ..she banged it up pretty bad ..my cell phone antenna poked a hole into the packet and now my purse is filled with hot cocoa !
I will take a pic in the morning this ones priceless , and soon im also going to be starting my hunt down of all the things I cant find that I started about a week ago !
Yeah , you see where im going ..she banged it up pretty bad ..my cell phone antenna poked a hole into the packet and now my purse is filled with hot cocoa !
I will take a pic in the morning this ones priceless , and soon im also going to be starting my hunt down of all the things I cant find that I started about a week ago !
I think I will invent ,a new word called 'Morethenmorer".Ok, well nice thought and if you didnt catch it , well you havent raised a kid yet or the 'denial 'monster got you ..I just dont see that one slipping into the dictionary either but in my house it actually may work .We have some real interesting vocabulary lurking around here and the majority of it is some unknown language.
See know one ever told me , that I would have to use huh' more times then I am old ,
"Huh,What did you say?" "UhHuh , what was that?" "Uhhuh yes you can !." 'UhhhHuh ,go on !"
Oh and the word" NO" now I know that's not a new one but its used more then there is stars in the sky around here. "No you can't have that." NoNoNo"...No I didn't breath inbetween that 'No,No.No..No ! Huh?
I never knew "soupy was ketchup or soup was uh' and macky cheezy is a word and mom,ma,mom was actually just 'mom' .. its a language we never learned in highschool !
"Really someone needs to let the world know ', we need to add to the vocabulary ."Lets do it for the little ones how hard could it be?"
Did you know that ,children can produce at least 2 words aday that no one ever again will be able to say ? Children are very talented !!!
Alright in all seriousness ..not that you will find it here, but that really wore me out just typing it .
See know one ever told me , that I would have to use huh' more times then I am old ,
"Huh,What did you say?" "UhHuh , what was that?" "Uhhuh yes you can !." 'UhhhHuh ,go on !"
Oh and the word" NO" now I know that's not a new one but its used more then there is stars in the sky around here. "No you can't have that." NoNoNo"...No I didn't breath inbetween that 'No,No.No..No ! Huh?
I never knew "soupy was ketchup or soup was uh' and macky cheezy is a word and mom,ma,mom was actually just 'mom' .. its a language we never learned in highschool !
"Really someone needs to let the world know ', we need to add to the vocabulary ."Lets do it for the little ones how hard could it be?"
Did you know that ,children can produce at least 2 words aday that no one ever again will be able to say ? Children are very talented !!!
Alright in all seriousness ..not that you will find it here, but that really wore me out just typing it .
New style ..
I noticed when I had my children my style changed ,
All those stained up shirts , became my dressy clothes and I really can wear jeans for more then a year ! "My favorite pair of capris are 3 years old and counting".
If you told me 14 years ago my best wardrobe consisted of stained tshirts and capris I would have said you were full of bologna!
Someone forgot to mention that Pajamas was not just for sleeping ," wear the right kind you can even go to the grocery store!" We get by with it pregnant why cant we after birth? , 'I know all attention is on the belly but I do promise not a soul will give it a thought if they see you in pjs in the grocery store ." All the attention is on your child "!
House shoes are not only for the house , you can run to the mail box ,take out the trash ,take the kids to the doctor office and do a complete shopping trip with them on !
All those stained up shirts , became my dressy clothes and I really can wear jeans for more then a year ! "My favorite pair of capris are 3 years old and counting".
If you told me 14 years ago my best wardrobe consisted of stained tshirts and capris I would have said you were full of bologna!
Someone forgot to mention that Pajamas was not just for sleeping ," wear the right kind you can even go to the grocery store!" We get by with it pregnant why cant we after birth? , 'I know all attention is on the belly but I do promise not a soul will give it a thought if they see you in pjs in the grocery store ." All the attention is on your child "!
House shoes are not only for the house , you can run to the mail box ,take out the trash ,take the kids to the doctor office and do a complete shopping trip with them on !
Bottomless pit
The definition of Bottomless pit
A child who can consume 2 sandwiches in the blink of a eye ,2 yogurts before they even swallow ,and a slice of pizza before I can say "Your kidding right?" , and a hour later coming back asking for more !
A child who can consume 2 sandwiches in the blink of a eye ,2 yogurts before they even swallow ,and a slice of pizza before I can say "Your kidding right?" , and a hour later coming back asking for more !
Hmm now I know ..
I offically know why Icecream places have great big signs that look like icecream combs, its to draw the attention to children who can't read yet.
You know ... so they will scream until you feel like someones took a hammer to your brain ,they kick the back of your seat while your driving and make you feel like your going over a moutain of rocks and when you get to the grocery store , they refuse to get out because you didn't stop at that place with the big ice cream sign ...not that any of this happened to me today on the big grocery shopping trip.
I didn't..im stressing DIDN'T.. have to pull my toddler from the back seat kicking and screaming , and people looking at me like I kidnapped a child ..I didn't have to try to push the cart one handed while a child was held tightly to my neck ,then after turning blue and completely out of breath from lack of oxygen have to force her back into the car still wondering if a cop would pull up ,"actually hoping the whole squad would pull up so we could see flashing red lights to possibly make ther forget about the big ice cream sign."
None of this happened ..to me it was someone elses child .....mine never acts up EVER !
You know ... so they will scream until you feel like someones took a hammer to your brain ,they kick the back of your seat while your driving and make you feel like your going over a moutain of rocks and when you get to the grocery store , they refuse to get out because you didn't stop at that place with the big ice cream sign ...not that any of this happened to me today on the big grocery shopping trip.
I didn't..im stressing DIDN'T.. have to pull my toddler from the back seat kicking and screaming , and people looking at me like I kidnapped a child ..I didn't have to try to push the cart one handed while a child was held tightly to my neck ,then after turning blue and completely out of breath from lack of oxygen have to force her back into the car still wondering if a cop would pull up ,"actually hoping the whole squad would pull up so we could see flashing red lights to possibly make ther forget about the big ice cream sign."
None of this happened ..to me it was someone elses child .....mine never acts up EVER !
Cup full of goodies !
I reached up in the cabinet , grabbed one of those dollar general blue plastic 16 oz cups (You know the ONLY kind to have with kids) I found a rubber band, toddler sock, penny ,fork and some grass in the cup ..and no one did it ! I guess I must be losing my memory because I really don't remember doing it ..My 3yo said sissy did it , my 5 yo said she didn't do it maybe my 10 yo did it ,my 10 yo said it was probably one of the girls and he was snickering ,I never got around to asking the older kids im sure it wasn't them.
I knew to never ask who did it , because the answers always going to be someone else !
I really have a suspicion one of the girls was probably trying to make some homemade stew and wanted to put it up where no one could find it !(Not that its happened millions ..wait ..no zillions of times before.)
I knew to never ask who did it , because the answers always going to be someone else !
I really have a suspicion one of the girls was probably trying to make some homemade stew and wanted to put it up where no one could find it !(Not that its happened millions ..wait ..no zillions of times before.)
dd learned something new today ..
DD came home from school today grinning from ear to ear very pleased with her self ..Mom , Mom ,I learned about a Purple-nick-liar line today from that kid on the bus the one I set by in front seat .You know mom (squirming , twirling ) you know the one with lots of home work shes a big kid big as tall as the sky.
I 'think' she meant ..Perpendicular .
I 'think' she meant ..Perpendicular .
I have said this time and time again ," I would take on a dozen toddlers to one teen." Teens are like the energizer bunny , their mouths keep running and running and running and running.
I asked my son to take out garbage . 'How silly of me to ask for something so simple", I might as well said "Son ,I demand you to go to the dump and roll around in the garbage !"
He doesn't want to take it out ,if he does he will 'smell' like trash !
I'm thinking ,"How will you smell like garbage, its a plastic grocery bag filled with boxes?" He thinks that if he touches anything that he thinks has garbage in it ,life ends there .
What happened to the kid who just 12 short years ago ran trucks through mud , dumped the trash can in my kitchen floor a million times trying to get that shining plastic thing .Not that I want him dumping garbage all over my floor again ..but ..WOW his attitude has changed 1000% ....
I asked my son to take out garbage . 'How silly of me to ask for something so simple", I might as well said "Son ,I demand you to go to the dump and roll around in the garbage !"
He doesn't want to take it out ,if he does he will 'smell' like trash !
I'm thinking ,"How will you smell like garbage, its a plastic grocery bag filled with boxes?" He thinks that if he touches anything that he thinks has garbage in it ,life ends there .
What happened to the kid who just 12 short years ago ran trucks through mud , dumped the trash can in my kitchen floor a million times trying to get that shining plastic thing .Not that I want him dumping garbage all over my floor again ..but ..WOW his attitude has changed 1000% ....
Pester or just lonely?
A friend was just telling me this evening , her grandson gets up all hours of the night and flips his sisters lights off and on. 'She feels he may be just lonely.' "Hey , whats grandmas for!"
I think its because he loves to pester them ."Not that my kids do it to!"
My kids sleep all night and they 'NEVER' and let me stress' NEVER' get up in the middle of the night just to have run of the fridge,moms purse ,tv ,computer and the 'NEVER EVER' get up to pester the other siblings.
A public Service announcement:
Wow surprised me when I woke this morning and found my title as Pester or Loney? That was truly suppose to be LONELY !Now I didnt have a Looney toon character stuck in my face while it happened ,I actually was being multi talented..Signing a planner,talking to 2 kids and I was on the phone and attempting to write in this blog.
I think its because he loves to pester them ."Not that my kids do it to!"
My kids sleep all night and they 'NEVER' and let me stress' NEVER' get up in the middle of the night just to have run of the fridge,moms purse ,tv ,computer and the 'NEVER EVER' get up to pester the other siblings.
A public Service announcement:
Wow surprised me when I woke this morning and found my title as Pester or Loney? That was truly suppose to be LONELY !Now I didnt have a Looney toon character stuck in my face while it happened ,I actually was being multi talented..Signing a planner,talking to 2 kids and I was on the phone and attempting to write in this blog.
Kids dont want to get up for school? Heres how to make sure they get up !
Go to each room , start singing loudly .. SCHOOL DAY,SCHOOL DAY ITS A GOLDEN RULE DAY!
Sing it over and over (remember to breath in between lines) until they get out of bed!
Normally, they are up with hands over ears asking you to stop by the time you get to 'Rule' the 3rd time.
Sing it over and over (remember to breath in between lines) until they get out of bed!
Normally, they are up with hands over ears asking you to stop by the time you get to 'Rule' the 3rd time.
Yep shes right , They are on a kick !
I had a friend call and let me know my kids have really been on number 2 kick this week.You know what number 2 is right? Think hard , its not just a number.
It made me realize , Kids can never rember where they put their shoes, coats ,totebags and anything else important ,but they seem to always rember things that should be forgotten.Its implanted in their brains and it takes days for them to forget about that subject ,before they are onto something new !
It made me realize , Kids can never rember where they put their shoes, coats ,totebags and anything else important ,but they seem to always rember things that should be forgotten.Its implanted in their brains and it takes days for them to forget about that subject ,before they are onto something new !
They didnt leave me a choice ..
Both girls hand in hand , Mom, Mom ..If you Love us you will take us to the park and you dont take us ,we will not clean up toys .
Gee..Didnt leave me any choice ...now did they?
Gee..Didnt leave me any choice ...now did they?
she answered the phone ..Not a good thing.
Phone rings , my curious littlebear takes it upon herself to answer the call. "I hear ,Mom pooooo ,forever her does". Praying its just a friend or grandparent I get out of the tub to see who it was. Not recognizing the number I wasn't about to call back out of sheer embarrassment.
Million dollar dream ..
Now I have never took a writing class. I don't know that I will ever take one. Well , I might when im 110 , which is about how long its going to take me to raise all these kids.
I decided to get crafty and write a book. Yeah, don't say it ! I know what your thinking ...my fantasy of sipping hot cocoa ,kids setting quietly on the couch while im bringing in millions of dollars was alittle far fetched .I do have to say though it was a wonderful thought while it lasted.
I decided in between cleaning the toilet and taking out trash I would start writing this million dollar book , typing with one hand I made the attempt !
1 chapter later I end up with jelly on the keyboard, 5 hand made pictures taped to the wall in front of me and a dog lose chasing a neighbor kid down the road ..
I decided to get crafty and write a book. Yeah, don't say it ! I know what your thinking ...my fantasy of sipping hot cocoa ,kids setting quietly on the couch while im bringing in millions of dollars was alittle far fetched .I do have to say though it was a wonderful thought while it lasted.
I decided in between cleaning the toilet and taking out trash I would start writing this million dollar book , typing with one hand I made the attempt !
1 chapter later I end up with jelly on the keyboard, 5 hand made pictures taped to the wall in front of me and a dog lose chasing a neighbor kid down the road ..
MOM MOM I see poop by the chair ! That gets all the kids in a chuckle , as they all have to run to see it .My son was bent down poking it with a stick .(Yep I said that right a stick)The others giggling hysterically looking over it as if it were a clown doing a hula dance.Me ofcourse Not really wanting to look closer ..I had to pick it up.(yes I had tissue) Rember that poptart from a couple days ago?(see yummy breakfast)
She has a egg friend !
My dd has a new friend and its her incredible edible boiled eggs ,my 5 yo dd patted it .Announcing her new friend,My 3 yo confused screaming out she wants a egg friend to!
Yummy breakfast
My 5 yo gets up first thing she says is ..Mom im hungry. The magic word HUNGRY. I'm telling you A radar goes off in my kids head as soon as the sun comes up!
I ask them what she want to eat? She wants potato chips and a cookie ! Yeah , roll eyes I DONT think so ! But , but mom I'm hungry. She doesn't want eggs or Cheerios those are YUCK ! ..Oh I know where this is going she spots it the last poptart, now if it wouldnt have been setting in her eye view she would have ate the eggs. Got to love poptarts though they are made for breakfast full of the things kids love and you dont have to feel guilty about giving them one because they are made for breakfast ! I gave a her a chocolate carmel kind ,she takes a bite and says mommy these chocolate and marshmallow stuff is YUMMY ! Marshmallow?Its chocolate and carmel ..Or was ... now its chocolate, carmel and a nice big marshmallow on the top ! She snuck that marshmallow while mommy had her back turned !
I ask them what she want to eat? She wants potato chips and a cookie ! Yeah , roll eyes I DONT think so ! But , but mom I'm hungry. She doesn't want eggs or Cheerios those are YUCK ! ..Oh I know where this is going she spots it the last poptart, now if it wouldnt have been setting in her eye view she would have ate the eggs. Got to love poptarts though they are made for breakfast full of the things kids love and you dont have to feel guilty about giving them one because they are made for breakfast ! I gave a her a chocolate carmel kind ,she takes a bite and says mommy these chocolate and marshmallow stuff is YUMMY ! Marshmallow?Its chocolate and carmel ..Or was ... now its chocolate, carmel and a nice big marshmallow on the top ! She snuck that marshmallow while mommy had her back turned !
Scrunching eyebrows
My dd was looking in the mirror and figured out she could scrunch her eye brows and snarl her nose at the same time , it was so fun she spent a good 10 min watching her self scrunch . The things kids come up with seizes to amaze me.
Now don't you be scrunching your eye brows and making your nose snarl , you may strain yourself. You know you had to try it. Didn't you?
Now don't you be scrunching your eye brows and making your nose snarl , you may strain yourself. You know you had to try it. Didn't you?
Im Sick
Forget the morning cocoa im going for ice chips , all I feel like doing is hanging my head over the stool. I woke this morning with that cold sweat ,nausea if you move your going to hurl feeling ,head pounding and nose stopped all the way to Canada. I feel like I have been ran over by a steam roller and I know where I got it , the kids. I have spent the last week picking up those dirty tissues that seem to miss the trash pail and you know the little knot noggins always have to get right up next to you to sneeze and cough.You know they have to let you know they are sick! I think its a contest when you get all of them together. "Look mom I can cough more , I sneezed the loudest ,mom may be deaf so we better get as close as we can and make sure she knows who's the most sick.'' One thing I always dread when they go back to school they bring home more then just home work and cute little hand made drawings !
I still dont know who it is...
Kids come home I hear yeah .. MOM .. bllaaa bllaaa bikes ..tonight . Can we please ? Please?
I'm setting there completly clueless to what they are wanting , they looked as if someone was about to push them over the edge if I didnt say something in a half of a second, they looked like they were about to pass out from hyperventilation ,all I could think of was Ummm.. well .. Lets slow down and try that again. Oh that was wrong of me ..never ask a kid to explain again all it led to was 2 kids talking 90 to nothing saying something like ITS COOL MOM CAN WE MOM CAN WE !Bikes , circles ....Bl la and more blaa ..
Finally I said GO ! Well that cured that ,I think they moved so fast I think in a breath they were out the door. Funny how kids can move so quick when they want something , but when your needing something I can guarantee a turtle would move much more quick.
A couple hours later I hear someone running up on the porch , I know someone fell ,I could hear thump..thump .. roll ..pitter patter door flys open and its my oldest son panting as if he just ran the marathon ,I understood him saying something like ..Mom got famous person , famous mom biker the top ..blla bllaa blaa blaaa. I know I looked puzzled but he didn't seem to notice at all ,in that instant I see a shoe right in my face. I yelled , Get your smelly shoe away from me !
Oh how silly of me .. WRONG again. DoI know anything at all? He said but MOM MOM I got my shoe signed by a famous person. Oh, like I was suppose to jump for joy I have no idea what or who hes talking about and the signature looks like scribbles to me. I asked him repeatedly who is this famous biker so I can look it up and get excited to ? He never did reply. He still hours later has not told me who this person is. I really don't think he knows , he was just very excited to have his shoe signed by someone famous !
heres a pic of that shoe
I'm setting there completly clueless to what they are wanting , they looked as if someone was about to push them over the edge if I didnt say something in a half of a second, they looked like they were about to pass out from hyperventilation ,all I could think of was Ummm.. well .. Lets slow down and try that again. Oh that was wrong of me ..never ask a kid to explain again all it led to was 2 kids talking 90 to nothing saying something like ITS COOL MOM CAN WE MOM CAN WE !Bikes , circles ....Bl la and more blaa ..
Finally I said GO ! Well that cured that ,I think they moved so fast I think in a breath they were out the door. Funny how kids can move so quick when they want something , but when your needing something I can guarantee a turtle would move much more quick.
A couple hours later I hear someone running up on the porch , I know someone fell ,I could hear thump..thump .. roll ..pitter patter door flys open and its my oldest son panting as if he just ran the marathon ,I understood him saying something like ..Mom got famous person , famous mom biker the top ..blla bllaa blaa blaaa. I know I looked puzzled but he didn't seem to notice at all ,in that instant I see a shoe right in my face. I yelled , Get your smelly shoe away from me !
Oh how silly of me .. WRONG again. DoI know anything at all? He said but MOM MOM I got my shoe signed by a famous person. Oh, like I was suppose to jump for joy I have no idea what or who hes talking about and the signature looks like scribbles to me. I asked him repeatedly who is this famous biker so I can look it up and get excited to ? He never did reply. He still hours later has not told me who this person is. I really don't think he knows , he was just very excited to have his shoe signed by someone famous !
heres a pic of that shoe

stopped up vacuum
First I had to mop the kitchen floor and do a load of laundry then I vacuumed and ended up with more dirt then when I started because SOMEONE (no name ) vacuumed their room yesterday and sucked up probally some unknown objects and when I turned on the vacuum dust went flying .Now my duty is to go fish what ever it is out and clean the vacuum and hear MOM I DIDNT DO IT .
So I went fishing with my trust old wire clothes hanger straightened and then the used the hook end to fish with ..I find .. drum roll ..A SOCK so the washer didnt eat that one !I didn't find just a sock but I found 2 lint balls the size of a watermelon which included in the balls was one of the dreaded popsicle wrappers, popcorn .. and things beyond recognition.
So I went fishing with my trust old wire clothes hanger straightened and then the used the hook end to fish with ..I find .. drum roll ..A SOCK so the washer didnt eat that one !I didn't find just a sock but I found 2 lint balls the size of a watermelon which included in the balls was one of the dreaded popsicle wrappers, popcorn .. and things beyond recognition.
Challenge: Things that just disappear?
I'm asking this ?? on the buddy group today ..
Name things in your home that just seem to disappear .
1.. SOCKS ! I'm telling you the washer eats them !I can put 2 in and come back with 1 every time.I can put 1 on each foot and end up with 1 by the evening !
2.. SPOONS! Where oh where did the little spoon go? Out in the back yard its being used as a shovel. I have found a many buried deep in the mud and some were like my socks I never found again.
3 ..TAPE ! 30%t of it I find on my kids walls where they draw pretties and tape it to the wall... but the other 70% disappears into thin air without any trace of even the roll .Did the troll do it?
4 .. PENS! Now I know I bought a 10 pack last week .. I cant find one?
5.. CRAYONS ! My dd came home from school needing to color something for homework and I had to write alittle note saying I don't have crayons ! I think though all those little pieces I have threw away over the last few months equaled up to the box.
6.. UNDERWEAR! I did find out my toddler was trying to flush her undies when I was potty training but now that shes trained where did they go? Maybe the washer is eating them to?
7.. TOOLS ! If I only could find a hammer I might hang up those pics that's been setting around for a year .
8.. BRUSH ! I found 3 yesterday and within 24 hours ended up with only 1 . OK so I need to go search the girls purses and under the couch .. ??
9 SIPPYS ! Which should have been first . I wrote in my blog about the sippys and im still missing one .. well actually 4 now. Maybe we can blame the dishwasher?
10 BOWLS! Im not kidding my bowls disappear. I have found a few outside close to where I have found buried spoons .. but the rest?
Looks like im going to have to do ALOT of detective work to figure all this out ..
Name things in your home that just seem to disappear .
1.. SOCKS ! I'm telling you the washer eats them !I can put 2 in and come back with 1 every time.I can put 1 on each foot and end up with 1 by the evening !
2.. SPOONS! Where oh where did the little spoon go? Out in the back yard its being used as a shovel. I have found a many buried deep in the mud and some were like my socks I never found again.
3 ..TAPE ! 30%t of it I find on my kids walls where they draw pretties and tape it to the wall... but the other 70% disappears into thin air without any trace of even the roll .Did the troll do it?
4 .. PENS! Now I know I bought a 10 pack last week .. I cant find one?
5.. CRAYONS ! My dd came home from school needing to color something for homework and I had to write alittle note saying I don't have crayons ! I think though all those little pieces I have threw away over the last few months equaled up to the box.
6.. UNDERWEAR! I did find out my toddler was trying to flush her undies when I was potty training but now that shes trained where did they go? Maybe the washer is eating them to?
7.. TOOLS ! If I only could find a hammer I might hang up those pics that's been setting around for a year .
8.. BRUSH ! I found 3 yesterday and within 24 hours ended up with only 1 . OK so I need to go search the girls purses and under the couch .. ??
9 SIPPYS ! Which should have been first . I wrote in my blog about the sippys and im still missing one .. well actually 4 now. Maybe we can blame the dishwasher?
10 BOWLS! Im not kidding my bowls disappear. I have found a few outside close to where I have found buried spoons .. but the rest?
Looks like im going to have to do ALOT of detective work to figure all this out ..
Why am I up so early?
Every morning I swear I'm going sleep in and find my self up before the rooster crows. I find my self waking and 2 thoughts running through my mind. Do I go back to sleep and wake not feeling like a semi hit me ?Or do I wake and enjoy silence and be able to run a round in my granny gown for a few and enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa without someone trying steal it or stick their finger in it?
I normally find my self getting up and enjoying my cup of hot cocoa or setting in my granny nightie then kicking myself later when I look in the mirror and see bags and pure exhaustion and know I have a very challenging day head !
Live and learn?Do it diffrent tommrow?
Naaaa .. thats to simple I always have to take the turnabout..
I normally find my self getting up and enjoying my cup of hot cocoa or setting in my granny nightie then kicking myself later when I look in the mirror and see bags and pure exhaustion and know I have a very challenging day head !
Live and learn?Do it diffrent tommrow?
Naaaa .. thats to simple I always have to take the turnabout..
Yummy Mayo and Ketchup !
My child just put mayo and ketchup on bread , then placed it in the toaster ! YEPPERS THE TOASTER ! Ketchup was running down the sides and you could smell the mayo. I just stood there with my chin on the floor thinking .. WHAT? WHY? YUCK ! It pops up and she proudly placed it on a plate , wiped off the toaster with a clean shirt from the laundry room and then set down at the table and ate every bite !
But..but ..but ketchup and mayo on toast ?ICK? Oh man what about the clean shirt?
Its fine it was one of dhs old work shirts ..since he works in grease alittle ketchup stain will not matter.
But..but ..but ketchup and mayo on toast ?ICK? Oh man what about the clean shirt?
Its fine it was one of dhs old work shirts ..since he works in grease alittle ketchup stain will not matter.
Ever hear the song who let the dogs out?
I was singing it tonight doing dishes , but instead I was thinking the wording needed to be changed to "Who let the kids out" A part day of school made my kids go wild .While I'm trying to clean up supper 3 of the kids were tormenting each other. My oldest dd thought it would be fun to take her brothers football and throw it out the front door then start laughing hysterically, my toddler having no idea whats going on is just running around screaming because everyone else was ! My son retaliates by taking dds shopping cart and threw it out the door to !Well that just added more chaos because she decides hes being mean so shes calling 911 ,YES 911 ! I was lucky though she dialed 913 so the call didn't go through. As soon as she said she dialed 911 everyone got real quiet , the kids eyes were glued to the phone .Im not sure if they were so scared and they felt like they thought they would cover it all up and maybe none would notice by getting along , but in a instant they all started playing together my toddler ended up pushing the shopping cart and smiling like she made a huge accomplishment as she pushed the cart over the school bags and the other 2 played catch and acted like nothing ever happened !Bet you want to know what happened with 911? I was lucky she dialed 913 so the call didn't go through. I would have hated to explained what really happened. It would have probably been like the day I called my SIL and somehow got emergency and when I told them it was a mistake they wanted to know if someone was forcing me to say the number was accidentally dialed and wanted to come over and check things out ! EKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Its what I like to do ! (ME)..
Its true shoving a sock into the end of a straw would be alot easier then raising kids. Everyday is a new journey. I have added on alot of grey hair ,lost hair added a few lines and a new body shape .. and the funny thing is I wouldnt have it any other way. I have 5 and I set and complain how I need a break ..but if you were to give me a break I would never take it and if I did I would be wanting to call home every 2 min !I started blogging a long time ago but lost most of it because I didnt know I was suppose to save the stuff before I reformatted the computer..oopppppps !Yeah , we can say I really didnt know how to work a computer . I am a SAHM and plan on staying that way for a few years. I enjoy staying home changing diapers and being drove mad ! It keeps me going ! Its what I like to do ! Its not a easy job , true there is bad and good days ..but at the end of the day all the bad is always wiped away with that hug and smile and I love you from my children.
Well with that said .. its time to find something for dinner !
Im not going to experiment tonight because im in no mood for new things today ..
Well with that said .. its time to find something for dinner !
Im not going to experiment tonight because im in no mood for new things today ..
Home Made Slushies ..
If I could fully understand what she says .. I think this is how she would have explained how to make a slushie.
Take a cup of ice (that you begged for ), place it on the dining room table on paper (The paper you begged for because you wanted to draw a pretty ), smash it with brothers trapper keeper (DONT TELL BROTHER) grab the sippy of grape juice and begin to pour and pour until theres not a drip drop left in the cup !
Yes it DID happen.. Thankfully brothers trapper is ok and we are not telling !
Take a cup of ice (that you begged for ), place it on the dining room table on paper (The paper you begged for because you wanted to draw a pretty ), smash it with brothers trapper keeper (DONT TELL BROTHER) grab the sippy of grape juice and begin to pour and pour until theres not a drip drop left in the cup !
Yes it DID happen.. Thankfully brothers trapper is ok and we are not telling !
where oh where did the sippy cups go?
I just found one under the bed , one in the toy box ,one in the dresser dawer and one a tote bag ! Around here you can find a sippy almost anywhere. I swear everyday we go on sippy hunt downs and we find them in some strange places , dds even tried flushing them ! Im still missing 1 cup and dd swears she didnt have it ...I wonder where its hiding? Maybe I will check the washer or in a shoe? Kids are pretty crafty when it comes to hiding things.I think finding a needle in a hay stack would be alot easier to find then a sippy in my house.
Rembering 9/11
Today is patriots day the kids were asked to wear the colors of the American Flag to school.My dd wanted to know more about today so first thing this morning I had to explain, tears rolled as I explained. ( I told her I had a lash in my eye )I showed her pics of the twin towers and explained to her what happened. I was pregnant that year and would soon give birth to my daughter. This day affected all the kids , they all cried and watched helpless as we all did wishing we could change what was taking place. All these years has not changed the heartache we all feel .. it has affected so many all over the world ..we are still sending prayers and thoughts to all the families of 9/11 and for our troops. My oldest son named my daughter that day. He wanted to give her the name Hope she will give the new generation Hope and a new beginning and Hopes of Peace and Happiness and no more fighting and we can live together with peace and harmony ..
God bless the families of those who lost loved ones in 9/11 and the war and prayers our troops come home safe.
God bless the families of those who lost loved ones in 9/11 and the war and prayers our troops come home safe.
Oh great cake !
After I got the kids off to school I was hoping to crawl back in bed but as I went to lay down the door bell rang..so much for sleeping in !A friend stood at my door with a big pan of cake for me that was left from her sons bday party and said her kids have had to much of it and she figured my kids would enjoy it. I really tried to smile and look pleased with her gift my only thoughts were ..Geez thanks .. now I will have kids on a sugar high and cake slung from one end of the house to the other.I can actually see it now ..cake in hair , cake in the seats of chairs, kids bouncing off the walls,cake fight .. She must have read my thoughts , because she laughed and said its better you then me !
someone got up on the wrong side of the bed ..
My 10 yo thinks school ruined his life. He gets up this morning and today is Patriots day. He informed me hes not wearing Red , White and Blue to school because the outfit is ugly ! Alright son wasent it just a couple days ago you wore this same outfit. I knew from that moment I was in for it. He then gets a tummy ache and cant go to school. Hmmm.. Tummy ache? Odd hes not throwing up , no fever ..he just scarfed down a bowl of cherrios so it cant be that bad right? I looked him straight in the eyes and said your going to school , and if you get sick the nurse will call me. Oh he informed me the nurse will ignore him . Ok im really suppose to believe that? Oh gee mom how can you do this to me. Im such a horrid mother making him go to school when he has a tummy ache . You know school ruined his life and he cant have fun and dont have time to play and be a kid when he has to go to school !
LOL ! I just dont see the school calling today , and geez im a horrible mother for making him go to school. How dare me be so cruel !
LOL ! I just dont see the school calling today , and geez im a horrible mother for making him go to school. How dare me be so cruel !
Only my kids would think of these things !
My 3rd son had a ?? today. You know mom they tells us what life was like 100 years ago, but theres not one person telling these stories ever lived it.He went on to ask me what I think people will say about us 100 years from now ? My oldest dd decided they would say we had 3 arms , my toddler was really chuckling over that and said something about blaa blaa head.Im thinking she was trying to say 2 heads? Maybe 10? My son seem to think we all will be well rembered for our antennas.
Yeah my kids watch TV .
I tried to explain history and how there were records kept over the years and stories told but they were to busy chuckling over double butts at this time.
Yeah my kids watch TV .
I tried to explain history and how there were records kept over the years and stories told but they were to busy chuckling over double butts at this time.
WOHOO something new for dinner !
Every week I buy Hamburger, chicken, nuggets, hotdogs. You know all the junk kids will eat.My normal monthly meals consist of Hamburger helper , hamburger and fries, spegatti , baked chicken w/baked potatos.chicken nuggets and fries. I decided to today im going to get crafty ~ but while doing so I have to rember I do have a toddler who insists on mac and cheese at every meal and all my kids think they need hamburger 10 days out of the week. YES 1o DAYS ! I found a recipe on the kraft site its called Sharp Cheddar Lasagna .( I used Kraft American cheese for mine) it went over well . My toddler thought mommy made the best meal ever , my teen thought it was pretty good (hey if a teen tells you its good it has to be )and my other kids were pleased to ! I was pretty happy with the recipe and will have to experiment alittle more.
Heres the recipe . You can find it on kraft .com
Sharp Cheddar "Lasagna"
1 pkg. (14 oz.) KRAFT Deluxe Macaroni & Sharp Cheddar Cheese Sauce
1 lb. ground beef
1 jar (14 oz.) spaghetti sauce (about 1-1/2 cups)
1/2 cup KRAFT Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Prepare Dinner as directed on package. Meanwhile, brown meat in large skillet; drain. Add spaghetti sauce to meat; mix well.
LAYER half each of the meat mixture and prepared Dinner in 8-inch square baking dish. Repeat layers. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
BAKE 15 min. or until heated through.
Hey I just wonder what hotdogs would taste like in it ?
I may have to experiment with that for lunch for the little ones .
Heres the recipe . You can find it on kraft .com
Sharp Cheddar "Lasagna"
1 pkg. (14 oz.) KRAFT Deluxe Macaroni & Sharp Cheddar Cheese Sauce
1 lb. ground beef
1 jar (14 oz.) spaghetti sauce (about 1-1/2 cups)
1/2 cup KRAFT Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Prepare Dinner as directed on package. Meanwhile, brown meat in large skillet; drain. Add spaghetti sauce to meat; mix well.
LAYER half each of the meat mixture and prepared Dinner in 8-inch square baking dish. Repeat layers. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
BAKE 15 min. or until heated through.
Hey I just wonder what hotdogs would taste like in it ?
I may have to experiment with that for lunch for the little ones .
Ever been bored?
Have you ever been bored but to bored to do anything? Your probally thinking how cam someone with 5 kids ever be bored ?
This is a common problem for me. Well my kids to , they must have took some of my genetics. Thats it they took my bored gene. I was thinking today I want to go out and do something worth while , Well hey a trip to the park or anyplace where there is human life I thought would be good for me. I pondered the thought of going out then set and thought about how long will it take to get ready and get all the kids ready..so I just set here , thinking im really bored but man im to lazy to get everyone ready to do anything , and if I did go somplace I would find my self bored there to ....
This is a common problem for me. Well my kids to , they must have took some of my genetics. Thats it they took my bored gene. I was thinking today I want to go out and do something worth while , Well hey a trip to the park or anyplace where there is human life I thought would be good for me. I pondered the thought of going out then set and thought about how long will it take to get ready and get all the kids ready..so I just set here , thinking im really bored but man im to lazy to get everyone ready to do anything , and if I did go somplace I would find my self bored there to ....
Who did it?
I cleaned up my living room and went on to cook supper. I turned on the toons and went about my normal routine, I finish supper make the plates set them all down and look in the living room ,I could have just set down and cried. It wasn't enough that I had just worked a hour in the kitchen now I have the bag of cheese curls all over the living room floor ! Its not a small bag its the large family size bags and it was unopened ..Who did it? Of course NO ONE did it ! I see someone lined them up from the TV to the couch and made what looked like a road , then I look closer and find some ground into the Berber carpet. I guess the baby doll , she came to life and made the mess. My toddler claims her baby is real so maybe she did do it?It wasn't the kids it had to be the babydoll. When I asked them all one by one who did it? Well no one took the blame according to the kids they were all else where at the time of the incident. I asked for someone to help clean it up ?No one volunteered their time ..until I got the bright idea to use bribery. Hey kids who ever cleans this up gets to feed the birds ! My youngest to loved that idea and did clean up the mess ,they did a great job to there wasent a crumb left !
I took them to feed the birds and ofcourse the fought over the bird food..which ended up all over my patio. Like we didnt know that would happen? Hey atleast this time I know who made that mess!
I took them to feed the birds and ofcourse the fought over the bird food..which ended up all over my patio. Like we didnt know that would happen? Hey atleast this time I know who made that mess!
MoM yOu HaVe ThE HuGEsT PiMpLe EvEr !
Mom you have the hugest pimple I have ever seen , its the size of 2 zillion mountains. Yep , those are the wonderful words I heard as I'm standing at that register of a local store with tons of people standing around. I know my face turned a nice shade of red, The women at the register was chuckling and tried to make me feel better by saying her niece likes to pick at hers and point when she sees a zit. I thought for a moment I felt alittle better until she starts twirling in the isle singing to the top of her lungs MOM HAS A PIMPLE THE SIZE OF A MOUNTAIN ..twirl hands raised MOM MOM YOUR PIMPLE IS BIGGEST IN THE WORLD IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD !
Yep , dunk down turn head away from people and walk as fast as you can out of the store ..
Yep , dunk down turn head away from people and walk as fast as you can out of the store ..
really wish they would have never invented POPSICLES! You know the kind all wrapped in plastic without the stick? I bought 100 of them last week and well ,they lasted a total of 3 days and I'm finding plastic wrappers everywhere. My 3 yo seems to think its the new drink in the house and she should have one with every meal and had a screaming fit until I bought another box of the 100 pack of tropical flavor. You know the nice sticky kind that's full of yummy what is it? 1% fruit juice or is that 10% .. Yeah those are awesome ,kids LOVE them .You do get what you pay for .They are a whole 3.97 and I DO GET WHAT I PAY FOR! SO I'm setting here at the computer desk ..OH ITS SNACK TIME !! MOMMY DON'T FORGET MY POP POP !Oh yeah as I go to cut it open with my scissors it splatters all over the computer screen and all over my phone . Yeah another 20 min clean up.My 3yo got a kick out of it. Its pretty cool to see things splatter . You know how it is?
Then S calls. She said why do you buy them your always complaining about the wrappers being all over . REMEMBER 3.97 for 100 ! 3.97 and they DO contain fruit juice so its healthy right ?So when I pass the isle its cheap vs overprice so I always chose cheap
really wish they would have never invented POPSICLES! You know the kind all wrapped in plastic without the stick? I bought 100 of them last week and well ,they lasted a total of 3 days and I'm finding plastic wrappers everywhere. My 3 yo seems to think its the new drink in the house and she should have one with every meal and had a screaming fit until I bought another box of the 100 pack of tropical flavor. You know the nice sticky kind that's full of yummy what is it? 1% fruit juice or is that 10% .. Yeah those are awesome ,kids LOVE them .You do get what you pay for .They are a whole 3.97 and I DO GET WHAT I PAY FOR! SO I'm setting here at the computer desk ..OH ITS SNACK TIME !! MOMMY DON'T FORGET MY POP POP !Oh yeah as I go to cut it open with my scissors it splatters all over the computer screen and all over my phone . Yeah another 20 min clean up.My 3yo got a kick out of it. Its pretty cool to see things splatter . You know how it is?
Then S calls. She said why do you buy them your always complaining about the wrappers being all over . REMEMBER 3.97 for 100 ! 3.97 and they DO contain fruit juice so its healthy right ?So when I pass the isle its cheap vs overprice so I always chose cheap
YeP I KnEw It !
Yep , I knew it !! That IS my famous 3 words. I KNEW IT .I can read my kids backward forward , side ways ...
So it starts of , the wonderful grocery trip again . Now dh and I both told the kids to make sure they go potty before we leave .In the mean time while we are trying to get them to go potty .The phone rings and dh mom calls for us to come over to see her house. (shes moving right down the street from me) they swear they don't need to go (I KNEW IT WAS COMING) and we load up the 2 little ones .My 5 yo has to do a few twirls before we get to the car , my 3 yo has to mimic what she does ,then we get in seat belt them in and that's always I fun job because we have one who doesn't like the seat belts and another who begs to do it herself and if you don't let her you get to hear blood hurling screams the entire neighbor hood can hear. Yeah people look out their windows and probably wonder if we are beating our child. I swear we don't lay a hand on her she just likes to use those lungs.We with 2 kids fighting in the back head to his moms and all get out and talk to his mother about the cute little house they are renting , its small but nice for her and her husband. My little one then decides after only being there 3 min she has to potty ..Yeppers, I knew they would do it ..now they don't even have water yet so we cant flush. Mil just tells her to go on, shes a nice women never complained shes used to it she raised 7 kids. We yack a while even see a skunk , fortunate we were in the van by the time it came scurrying across the yard because my kids would have loved to take that home and kept it as a pet. I visualized as it ran across the yard ,my kids chasing it and trying to pick it up by the tail and place it in a box , then proceed to beg me to let them keep it and they will feed it and give it water and love it forever ! (They would love it for a week , even if it sprayed them they really would love it ) We finally get out of there and go to the grocery store and what do you know ?See I told a little white lie on the way there that the bathrooms are closed so don't even ask ! I just get done shopping with a store full of people and its finally my day ! A new register opened and I'm hurrying as fast as I can trying to be the first in line ..then they spot that big red door with that stick figure with a dress drew on it and immediately , hands fly , kids legs cross and we get the I HAVE TO PEE PEE so the whole store can hear and that little jig they seem to always do . MOMMY NOW GOT TO GO NOW. Ohhhh... theres a water fountain to setting there by the bathroom door and I hear the girls whisper something to each other and yep (I KNEW IT) one needs to go in first while the other gets a drink ! So my little one proceeds to slurp up all the water she can , looks up and smiles with water dripping from her chin knowing that little grin will get a roll eye from mom and a head shake ..shes pleased with her accomplishment now its time for POTTY ! Yeah you can guess what happens next , I miss being first in line at the register and I get to stand in line with 10 people ahead of me , and where I was standing was of course theres CANDY! Oh yeah candy , soda oh every kids dream. Eyes bulging , lips smacking I knew it was coming MOM CAN WE HAVE CANDY ! NO NO BUT NO !I'm looking around , I see hands ..They are trying to sneak it in the cart , they were caught .They grinned and took off behind me. You know mom cant get you if she cant see you? Oh so the oldest decided she wanted Yogurt. Mom cant read you know.. A 4 pack of vanilla pudding in front of me and they both ask if they can have yogurt cause its good for you with a big grin ..Yeah why not and I just thought to myself Yep I knew it !
So it starts of , the wonderful grocery trip again . Now dh and I both told the kids to make sure they go potty before we leave .In the mean time while we are trying to get them to go potty .The phone rings and dh mom calls for us to come over to see her house. (shes moving right down the street from me) they swear they don't need to go (I KNEW IT WAS COMING) and we load up the 2 little ones .My 5 yo has to do a few twirls before we get to the car , my 3 yo has to mimic what she does ,then we get in seat belt them in and that's always I fun job because we have one who doesn't like the seat belts and another who begs to do it herself and if you don't let her you get to hear blood hurling screams the entire neighbor hood can hear. Yeah people look out their windows and probably wonder if we are beating our child. I swear we don't lay a hand on her she just likes to use those lungs.We with 2 kids fighting in the back head to his moms and all get out and talk to his mother about the cute little house they are renting , its small but nice for her and her husband. My little one then decides after only being there 3 min she has to potty ..Yeppers, I knew they would do it ..now they don't even have water yet so we cant flush. Mil just tells her to go on, shes a nice women never complained shes used to it she raised 7 kids. We yack a while even see a skunk , fortunate we were in the van by the time it came scurrying across the yard because my kids would have loved to take that home and kept it as a pet. I visualized as it ran across the yard ,my kids chasing it and trying to pick it up by the tail and place it in a box , then proceed to beg me to let them keep it and they will feed it and give it water and love it forever ! (They would love it for a week , even if it sprayed them they really would love it ) We finally get out of there and go to the grocery store and what do you know ?See I told a little white lie on the way there that the bathrooms are closed so don't even ask ! I just get done shopping with a store full of people and its finally my day ! A new register opened and I'm hurrying as fast as I can trying to be the first in line ..then they spot that big red door with that stick figure with a dress drew on it and immediately , hands fly , kids legs cross and we get the I HAVE TO PEE PEE so the whole store can hear and that little jig they seem to always do . MOMMY NOW GOT TO GO NOW. Ohhhh... theres a water fountain to setting there by the bathroom door and I hear the girls whisper something to each other and yep (I KNEW IT) one needs to go in first while the other gets a drink ! So my little one proceeds to slurp up all the water she can , looks up and smiles with water dripping from her chin knowing that little grin will get a roll eye from mom and a head shake ..shes pleased with her accomplishment now its time for POTTY ! Yeah you can guess what happens next , I miss being first in line at the register and I get to stand in line with 10 people ahead of me , and where I was standing was of course theres CANDY! Oh yeah candy , soda oh every kids dream. Eyes bulging , lips smacking I knew it was coming MOM CAN WE HAVE CANDY ! NO NO BUT NO !I'm looking around , I see hands ..They are trying to sneak it in the cart , they were caught .They grinned and took off behind me. You know mom cant get you if she cant see you? Oh so the oldest decided she wanted Yogurt. Mom cant read you know.. A 4 pack of vanilla pudding in front of me and they both ask if they can have yogurt cause its good for you with a big grin ..Yeah why not and I just thought to myself Yep I knew it !
Why do kids always have to go to the bathroom when you go shopping?
I get the kids dressed to go shopping and I remind them GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE WE LEAVE. I double check that everyones went before we head out the door.I get to the grocery store and my 3yo has to go potty now .She has legs crossed dancing saying PEE PEE NOW ! I run to the bathroom leave my cart full of food setting and the stalls are full. I said forget it ,Im going home ! I left everything set ..so I thought I did but apparently someone wanted what food was in my cart because the cart was gone when I was getting ready to leave. I dont no more get out the door and here comes my 5 yo she has to go potty to !I rush home and tell each of them to go potty and both of them says they dont have to go anymore! Ok well how can we have to go then suddenly not have to?
I make them set for a while then we head to the store again. I know more get into the store and WE HAVE TO PEE MOM and gave me a hug!I just rolled my eyes I knew it was coming and they knew they would get to go to the potty .I knew it. It took a total of 2 hours to complete a 30 min shopping trip ..
You know we look forward to the days they are out of diapers. Its days like this I miss diapers !
Why do kids always have to go to the bathroom when you go shopping?
I get the kids dressed to go shopping and I remind them GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE WE LEAVE. I double check that everyones went before we head out the door.I get to the grocery store and my 3yo has to go potty now .She has legs crossed dancing saying PEE PEE NOW ! I run to the bathroom leave my cart full of food setting and the stalls are full. I said forget it ,Im going home ! I left everything set ..so I thought I did but apparently someone wanted what food was in my cart because the cart was gone when I was getting ready to leave. I dont no more get out the door and here comes my 5 yo she has to go potty to !I rush home and tell each of them to go potty and both of them says they dont have to go anymore! Ok well how can we have to go then suddenly not have to?
I make them set for a while then we head to the store again. I know more get into the store and WE HAVE TO PEE MOM and gave me a hug!I just rolled my eyes I knew it was coming and they knew they would get to go to the potty .I knew it. It took a total of 2 hours to complete a 30 min shopping trip ..
You know we look forward to the days they are out of diapers. Its days like this I miss diapers !
Did you know that that a frog, spider, dog oh I could go on for days , but they has EYES they do mom has eyes ! My toddler has a new discovery ..All living creatures have eyes ! My eyes actually hurt tonight because I have had them poked so many times ,You know how it is? See mom ..(finger coming close to the eye now ) THEY DOES SEE MOM SEE (poke yep hit the eye now)THEY EYES LIKE YOU ME ! Hey if someone comments about the little red mark below the eye and I try to tell them my toddler did it because she had to poke them at every thing she seen with eyes , they are going to think im a little ..well you know ,FuNnY.
Gross I'm setting her at my desk and I always have a glass of ice. You know theres all kinds of addictions and yes mines eating ice ! I know im a bad bad girl !I'm chewing it up and I felt like my mouth was burning ,alittle I'm feeling alittle nauseated. My taste buds are telling me theres something not right . I decide to look down in the glass , after chewing a few pieces ,and theres black stuff all on the glass ! SPIT , SPIT GAG ! Oh the thoughts running through my mind. Ok which kid tried to poision me? Naa they need mom they wouldn't do that.. Ok what is in this glass? I get a horrible sick panicky feeling run through me ..I jump up run to the kitchen sink and analyze those little black specks , I even smell it. It doesnt smell ..or does it my nose is pretty clogged up.Now in the back ground my toddler is trying to tell me something ,it sounds like purper ..Maybe purple?Who knows , its not important right now all I care is WHATS IN MY GLASS !She just kept saying purple , purpe , purpper over and over and over I finally decided to look down and there she holds the pepper shaker. Yep theres pepper in my glass .. ok I'm feeling better now because everything was going through my mind,with kids you never know what you will find !She was trying to tell me that she put pepper in my glass . She looked pretty wide eyed and she probably thought she was going to time out , with quick thinking she knows it will work 89% of the time she says Sorry mom ! Yep she can say sorry plain , it was some of her first words.Kids know just how to get to you .. bat those eyes,show that cute grin and say sorry !We melt and what ever they did is forgotten... well almost everything ,because when I set down at my desk again I felt something really squishy ..I jumped up in a real hurry and it was a nice big slice of pepperoni pizza !I looked behind me and shes laying on the couch all covered up acting like shes asleep !
Got to love toddlers , now I have to go scrub my white pants , there went my plan of going to bed early !
Gross I'm setting her at my desk and I always have a glass of ice. You know theres all kinds of addictions and yes mines eating ice ! I know im a bad bad girl !I'm chewing it up and I felt like my mouth was burning ,alittle I'm feeling alittle nauseated. My taste buds are telling me theres something not right . I decide to look down in the glass , after chewing a few pieces ,and theres black stuff all on the glass ! SPIT , SPIT GAG ! Oh the thoughts running through my mind. Ok which kid tried to poision me? Naa they need mom they wouldn't do that.. Ok what is in this glass? I get a horrible sick panicky feeling run through me ..I jump up run to the kitchen sink and analyze those little black specks , I even smell it. It doesnt smell ..or does it my nose is pretty clogged up.Now in the back ground my toddler is trying to tell me something ,it sounds like purper ..Maybe purple?Who knows , its not important right now all I care is WHATS IN MY GLASS !She just kept saying purple , purpe , purpper over and over and over I finally decided to look down and there she holds the pepper shaker. Yep theres pepper in my glass .. ok I'm feeling better now because everything was going through my mind,with kids you never know what you will find !She was trying to tell me that she put pepper in my glass . She looked pretty wide eyed and she probably thought she was going to time out , with quick thinking she knows it will work 89% of the time she says Sorry mom ! Yep she can say sorry plain , it was some of her first words.Kids know just how to get to you .. bat those eyes,show that cute grin and say sorry !We melt and what ever they did is forgotten... well almost everything ,because when I set down at my desk again I felt something really squishy ..I jumped up in a real hurry and it was a nice big slice of pepperoni pizza !I looked behind me and shes laying on the couch all covered up acting like shes asleep !
Got to love toddlers , now I have to go scrub my white pants , there went my plan of going to bed early !
My LiFe
My life ..
KIDS ... KIDS .. CLEANING .. HUSBAND (wait that goes with kids) and CHARTING .. Did I mention the DOG?
I really wonder what life will be like when they grow up since I have revolved myself around them and havent did anything for myself. DH aunt says I will be like her raising the grandkids. Shes almost 60 and takes care of all 4 of hers pretty much 24/7.I guess thats OK .. Guess some people were made to be caregivers and others keep the rest of the world going . Is there more to the world ? All I know is whats in 1200 sg ft.
KIDS ... KIDS .. CLEANING .. HUSBAND (wait that goes with kids) and CHARTING .. Did I mention the DOG?
I really wonder what life will be like when they grow up since I have revolved myself around them and havent did anything for myself. DH aunt says I will be like her raising the grandkids. Shes almost 60 and takes care of all 4 of hers pretty much 24/7.I guess thats OK .. Guess some people were made to be caregivers and others keep the rest of the world going . Is there more to the world ? All I know is whats in 1200 sg ft.
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